So as most of you know last weekend was IMATS here in the UK, so me and my little buddies traveled down to London all the way from Worcester (Believe me a 6am wake up is not my friend) in the delightful snow, took almost 4 hours, if that's not enthusiasm I don't know what is!
Myself & some girls from my uni course outside the Ally Pally
Because of the snow it was rather quiet, I was a little disappointed in the turn out as i have been previous years and its been rammed with lots of lovely, strange, unusual people I wouldn't usually meet in my little sheltered life in Worcester haha! I guess there's always next year :)
Everything was a lot cheaper this year in my opinion, not sure if it was lower prices as there was tumble weed rolling about as it was quiet and they needed to shift products or my expectations were just wrong, I suppose we can't complain about these suprise treats of life that crop up so little!
Even though everything wasn't as expensive as I'd expected I still didn't buy much, I was having one of those days when you're just not in the mood to spend loads.. Its a rare occasion that ever happens! Anyways, here are a few pictures of the items i got, most I've had before just needed new ones for my personal makeup bag..
Saw these bow earrings on a little stall and thought they were adorable. The packaging was 'Accessory' but unsure on a contact website unfortunately, they had lots of really cute accessories though. |
Sleek Blush in Rose Gold 926. Fancied something new, the gold flecks compliment tanned skin tones (Lucky for me as I'm always tangoed) |
So, as you can see I didn't buy anything very interesting this year, mainly as i don't NEED anything and more to the fact I am a poor student.
HOWEVER, Myself & my friend Josie did bump into two lovely ladies I'm sure you will all be familiar with from Youtube..
PIXIWOO Samantha & Nicola Chapman!
I wish I was more photogenic, but anyway this made my trip down to London 100 times better and they are so friendly and kind :)
Abbi x
What a lovely looking group! You all look gorgeous.
found the route
Thankyou lovely :) xxx
Deleteah wish I'd gone to IMATS! looks like you had a fab time, love your outfit x
ReplyDeleteThankyou :) It was better last year if that's any constellation to you lovely :) roll on next years! xx